
Tapas: The Third Niyama

Children, and everyone else, will respect nothing, if they do not have to earn it. It is easily proven by the lack of appreciation, manners, and respect, we can observe everyday. Discipline in moderation, will enrich all aspects of society. Getting back to you and the value of Tapas - The true value of Tapas is the character building qualities of emotional, mental, and spiritual health. With those three aspects taken care of, we have better physical health. The habit of daily Tapas will carry over in your physical life by eating and exercising conscientiously.

How To Get Certified to Teach Yoga for Kids

By Foras Aje Ask Angela Bassett, Madonna and perhaps your next door neighbor carrying her yoga mat out of the trunk with the groceries, most stay-home moms have picked Yoga up as their method of keeping fit and maintaining physical, mental and emotional balance. Needless to say, when the see the apparent results most naturally [...]

Teaching Yoga Is A Great Responsibility

By Javier Fuller The ordinary teaching is to sharpen your intellectual abilities. In yoga, your efforts are to break the mind-barrier, transcend and seek entry to the zone of silence. So, very high skills are required to equip oneself, to become a yoga teacher. You will find many types of yoga teacher training courses. But [...]

Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year’s Rush – Part 2

By Paul Jerard Let's continue with more ideas for workshops and some specialty classes that may fit in as part of your regular class schedule. You don't have to use all of these ideas, but you may find one, or two, that fit with your clientele and your Yoga studio. Prenatal Yoga: Again, this is [...]

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