teaching yoga

Teaching Yoga: Physical Advantages

I can appreciate the attention Yogic philosophy and methodology are getting, but there are many different forms of Yoga that are practiced in India. I contend that the ancient Yogis would be pleased about the number of practitioners who gain physical benefits today. If you desire to become a Yoga instructor, you should feel free to embrace the physical benefits and explain them to your students.

Teaching Yoga For Physical and Mental Wellness

If you decide to become a Yoga teacher, you realize that complete (holistic) health involves the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual planes of existence. Physical activity is not only important for a healthy body it is also good for the mind and emotional well-being. Yogic methodology is a great example of a form of exercise that can help improve focus and discipline inside as well as outside.

Teaching Yogic Practices: Warrior I

Being sensitive to the mood and energy level of the class is an important part of the art of teaching Yoga well. For example, during the holiday season you may have prepared a krama of asanas that will energize your students, but when you begin the class you realize from the tired and drained look on many of your students' faces that a restorative class is more appropriate.

Teaching Yoga Techniques in the Office

There is one myth that’s quickly debunked in a chair yoga teacher training. The truth is chair yoga is for people of all ages and not just seniors. Practicing yoga techniques in a chair can be seen in offices, rehabilitation centers, and schools. However, let’s look at teaching yoga and asanas you can teach in an office setting that has no space for a studio.

Teaching Yoga: The Benefits Props

Chances are you learned plenty about the use of props during your Yoga teacher training, but some of your students might have objections. You’ve tried to explain the value of good alignment, but many of those same students just don’t seem to get it. Let’s go over why props are essential and more than a mere marketing gimmick.

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