Yoga Class

Teaching Outdoor Yoga Cultivates Gratitude

By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed. Teaching outdoor Yoga classes can be a special treat depending on your climate. During the balmy days of summer, teaching classes outside can easily facilitate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the natural beauty that surrounds us. If you live in a temperate climate zone in the United States, you [...]

How to Begin Teaching Yoga Classes

One thing that a yoga teacher overcomes is the feeling of awkwardness in front of people. Yoga classes are run as a group activity, and you will absolutely develop self-confidence and poise over time. You can do this at first by teaching small yoga groups, until you are able to feel comfortable in larger groups. Practice is a great way to perfect any skill. Teaching groups, big or small, is a great way to jump start your self-confidence.

When to Offer Different Yoga Classes

Assuming that you have the freedom to choose your own curriculum, then one way to offer different classes is to simply divide your particular style of yoga into different skill levels. So, you could have beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes.

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