Teaching Outdoor Yoga Cultivates Gratitude

By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed. Teaching outdoor Yoga classes can be a special treat depending on your climate. During the balmy days of summer, teaching classes outside can easily facilitate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the natural beauty that surrounds us. If you live in a temperate climate zone in the United States, you [...]

Yoga Studio Harassment Prevention

By Amruta Kulkarni, CYT 500 Like any other workplace, it is important for yoga teachers to stay up-to-date on harassment prevention, whether it is physical, sexual, verbal, or another form of harassment. With recent headlines seeming to indicate that harassment in the studio is on the rise, it's especially imperative that instructors take steps to [...]

How to Begin Teaching Yoga Classes

One thing that a yoga teacher overcomes is the feeling of awkwardness in front of people. Yoga classes are run as a group activity, and you will absolutely develop self-confidence and poise over time. You can do this at first by teaching small yoga groups, until you are able to feel comfortable in larger groups. Practice is a great way to perfect any skill. Teaching groups, big or small, is a great way to jump start your self-confidence.

How and When to Correct My Yoga Students

By Ishrattasleem Tasleem Nowadays, people are living a busy and hectic lifestyle; fatigue is a common complaint of modern life. The sense of a fragmented and displaced lifestyle is found among people of all age groups and genders. To get rid of all the worries, stale energy, and effects of stress, yoga has proven to [...]

Secrets of Successful Yoga Teachers

Advertising is bad? How will people know I teach, if I keep it a secret? I've heard it all and the best one was a yoga diva who preached to us about why creating a celebrity presence was wrong. I paid $500 to hear that lecture! No, somebody else paid for me to go. By the way, she has a few dozen DVDs on the market, books, and a huge studio with money rolling onto the sidewalk. So, what do you do if you don't have the celebrity status of a diva? Most yoga instructors just want enough to get by, but I ask you to think a little bigger and stop listening to pessimists.

When to Offer Different Yoga Classes

Assuming that you have the freedom to choose your own curriculum, then one way to offer different classes is to simply divide your particular style of yoga into different skill levels. So, you could have beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes.

The Importance of Dedicating Time for Shavasana

When you are ready to practice Shavasana, you may wish to put your socks back on, put an additional layer of clothing on for warmth and have a thick blanket nearby to cover yourself if you feel chilled. It is also quite soothing to use an aromatherapy eye bag during Shavasana. The pleasant scent of the aromatherapy herbs will help to calm your nervous system, and the weight of the eye bag will help the delicate muscles around your eyes to relax and rest.

10 Ways You Can Market Your Yoga Teaching Services

Take advantage of social media, friends, and family. Post any classes you will be teaching on your Facebook page and always put the word out to everyone you know. Facebook is where it's at right now for small business. Stake your claim and let everyone in your area know that you are available to teach. You can dial Facebook in to target the local yoga market.

The Drama of a Yoga School as a Business

What can yoga instructors do? Get certified, get covered by a liability insurance company, and establish a track record of safe procedures in your classes. Registration is an option, but it's not often required for liability insurance. To be honest, some teachers (who are not certified or registered) have sports liability insurance coverage. However, certification does show that you are formally educated in safely teaching yoga classes. So, that does build your credibility as a teacher who cares about student safety.

Running an Ethical Yoga Business

Ethics in yoga and teaching yoga are universal. Every yoga teacher knows the fundamentals of an ethical practice. Common sense doesn't require books to be written about how to behave and teachers should have a handle on common sense. Most yoga certification programs provide an ethics agreement for teachers.

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