200 hour yoga teacher training course

A Concise History of Hatha Yoga

Although many forms of yoga training have existed for thousands of years, Hatha (the yoga of physical mastery) is a relative newcomer in comparison to the other main systems of Yogic methodology in India. Hatha dates back as recently as the 15th century with Svami Svatmarama and is the base for many popular styles today such as Iyengar, Bikram, Kundalini, and Ashtanga.

Teaching Yoga: The Importance of Asana Alignment in Yoga

Depending on the Yoga school, posturing, alignment and adjustment can be an extremely important part of one's training. A typical 200-hour Yoga teacher training course may spend over 100 hours focusing on the alignment of asanas.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – The Value of Asana

What is the purpose or value of asana? Many Yoga teachers do not read or understand the writings of Maharishi Patanjali. This leads to the erroneous assumption that asana is just a physical exercise to improve circulation, increase bone density, and develop good muscle tone.

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