yoga training

By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

When a student is taught how to practice Yoga training off the mat, self-realization will change his or her perspective of life. People, who are successful, do not wait for opportunity to come “knocking on their doors.”  This is a major shift in mind-set from the average person, because the average person hopes for an opportunity, instead of pursuing it. The difference between a seeker and a finder is very vast. The seeker searches for opportunities, but the finder locates them.

So where are these hidden opportunities? The fact is – daily opportunities are not hiding anywhere. Most of us are not looking for them, or do not recognize an opportunity when we come face-to-face with one.  If you have difficulty with this concept; watch a person who inspires you, and observe his or her formula for success. There is nothing wrong with imitating success. There is no need to “re-invent the wheel.”

Sages, Gurus, Swamis, and Yoga teachers, are available to guide you in a positive direction. Consult with one who is where you want to be. For example: If I want to be a better tennis player, I need a coach who understands how to improve my game. Coaches, teachers and mentors, help us find our way in life.  As you continue being coached, you should censor your viewing of television, the Internet, books, and information. Why should you do this? Bad news sells lots of copy, but it is not good for the mind. We live at a time, when we know almost every bad news story on the planet. This has a toxic effect on us and our children.

Yet, there is a lot of good news happening, but most of it will not get much coverage. It is up to us to be restrictive in our viewing, listening, and monitoring of the news, and other forms of entertainment.  Use your free time to be entertained and educated in a positive way. Be accountable for your time and focus on yourself. Claim responsibility for your lifestyle. You do not have to make ten major changes today, but one change, in lifestyle, per week, is thirteen changes in three months.

Yoga practice is the same principle – whether you are in a class, with your Yoga teacher, or quietly practicing pranayama on a crowded bus. When you put Yoga training into practice, on a daily basis, it has a positive and cumulative effect on the outcome of your day.


How to Become a Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher

© Copyright 2007 – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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