
About Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

I am Paul Jerard, the Director of Yoga Teacher Training, at Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Since 1987, I have been teaching classes professionally, in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Over the years, it has been my privilege to train hundreds of enthusiasts to become internationally certified Yoga teachers and instructors.

Decompress the Spine with Yoga

Compression within the backbone is often characterized by too much strain on the intervertebral disks. Engaging oneself in physical activities will help office workers to reduce pain, and possibly overcome this condition, by allowing intervertebral fluid to circulate properly and decompress the spine. In turn, safe physical activity will effectively manage to improve posture and restore decompression of the spine.

How to Teach Dirgha Pranayama

By the end of this breath energy practice, you will feel relaxed and focused. Your spine will feel tall, lengthened and expanded. You spread oxygen throughout your body for improved blood circulation and clarity of mind, lift shallow breathers, breaks up those with irregular breath patterns, and improves digestion.

Yoga and GERD

Medical practitioners commonly treat GERD by prescribing proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), for example, omeprazole, pantoprazole, and rabeprazole to name a few. According to Dr. Carrie Demers, MD and holistic physician who blends modern medicine with traditional approaches to health, the problem with PPIs, however, is that if you consume them on a long term basis, they can be a cause of various other health disorders, for example anemia and osteoporosis.

Indigestion and Yoga

The therapeutic aspects of yoga in healing or preventing stomach disorders are being widely researched, and research studies have started to reveal positive aspects of yoga in treating stomach disorders. As a good practice, we recommend you to include yoga as a part of your daily activities. However, when considering yoga to treat any disorder, be it stomach disorder or any other health problem, be sure to consult with your doctor before proceeding with yoga.

Chair Yoga Promotes Student Safety: Eagle Pose

In our task-driven world, which is often fueled by seemingly endless to-do lists, many of us are unable to unwind and truly relax, even for ten or fifteen minutes a day! This inability to relax is a serious impediment to maintaining a strong immune system and good mental health. A well-rounded practice of Yoga poses, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques helps to improve strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, and improves one’s ability to relax deeply. For those of us who are relatively physically fit, practicing a traditional format of Yoga poses is not a problem.

Maintaining Healthy Rituals in Busy Modern Life

Whatever your life might hold, it just takes a bit of curious exploration and mindful commitment to find healthful practices that you can regularly maintain. Such rituals can make a world of difference in how you come to approach both consistent and unexpected stressors, as healing and dependable despite any and all of them.

Venturing “Off the Beaten Path” In Yoga

For instructors, we can “take the road less traveled by” through challenging ourselves to grow in the same ways – taking classes, visiting studios, consulting sources that ourselves and others might not yet have discovered are indeed valuable. Our teaching styles can also be beneficially unconventional. If we find ourselves always guiding certain advanced students in our classes (because we might – understandably – want to push them even further to their potentials), we can shift our focus to see what other perhaps more novice students can offer. We can also take (healthy and measured, albeit) risks with alternative approaches to guiding students through postures or imparting yoga philosophy, amongst other elements that we offer in our classes. Whatever the case may be, whomever you might be as a practitioner or instructor, venturing away from the conventional can indeed “make all the difference”.

Yoga for Cancer Recovery: Releasing Tension

Although many of us may feel that we are only truly practicing Yoga if we flow through a series of very strenuous Ashtanga Yoga postures and fiery breathing exercises, the practice of Yoga traditionally was focused on creating ease and spaciousness in the body and quietude in the mind, so that a Yogi or Yogini was more easily able to sit in meditation for an extended period of time.

Chair Yoga Promotes Student Safety: Standing Forward Fold

To guide your students through the modified Chair Yoga version of Standing Forward Fold, have them stand approximately three feet behind their chairs with their legs hips’ distance apart. With an inhale, instruct your students to raise their arms overhead and place their hands in Prayer Position. With their next exhale, have your students bring their arms down and place their hands on the back of the chair in a straight line with their shoulders and neck. If any your students are uncomfortable raising their arms over their head, simply guide them into the posture without the initial arm movements.

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