Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga Promotes Student Safety: Eagle Pose

In our task-driven world, which is often fueled by seemingly endless to-do lists, many of us are unable to unwind and truly relax, even for ten or fifteen minutes a day! This inability to relax is a serious impediment to maintaining a strong immune system and good mental health. A well-rounded practice of Yoga poses, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques helps to improve strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, and improves one’s ability to relax deeply. For those of us who are relatively physically fit, practicing a traditional format of Yoga poses is not a problem.

Chair Yoga Promotes Student Safety: Standing Forward Fold

To guide your students through the modified Chair Yoga version of Standing Forward Fold, have them stand approximately three feet behind their chairs with their legs hips’ distance apart. With an inhale, instruct your students to raise their arms overhead and place their hands in Prayer Position. With their next exhale, have your students bring their arms down and place their hands on the back of the chair in a straight line with their shoulders and neck. If any your students are uncomfortable raising their arms over their head, simply guide them into the posture without the initial arm movements.

Chair Yoga for Physical Rehabilitation

Yoga in a chair is also highly adaptable to the physical needs of a wide variety of injured individuals. Balance issues and weakness are circumvented by the use of a chair as a foundation and a prop, giving patients the opportunity to regain flexibility and mobility. With the use of a chair, rehabilitation can be accomplished safely and more quickly than many other methods. Preserving muscle tone speeds recovery time dramatically.

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