Monthly Archives: April 2014

Who Would Take an Online Yoga Course

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training: Aura Wellness Center) covers reasons a student would take an online Yoga course, such as: CECs (Continuing Education Credits), convenience of a remote location, and those with responsibilities which do not allow them leave what they are doing for a long period of time.

The Transformative Power of Shiva – Emotional Clarity

Many Yogis and Yoginis also experience the deep peace of dropping into Shiva's formless field of energy thought chanting or repeating his divine name is a concentrated fashion. Repeating the mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya', either silently or audibly, will quickly harness Shiva's energy. Many Yoga practitioners like to use a japa mala to help focus the mind while repeating a mantra, or enlivened phrase.

How to Spot Injury-Prone Students

In this video Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 from Aura Wellness Center covers: Watching a student's posture, balance, how competitive they are, focus, physical condition, and if they are locking their joins. All which are contributors to injury. Paying close attention to these attributes will avoid student injury.

Secrets of Successful Yoga Teachers

Advertising is bad? How will people know I teach, if I keep it a secret? I've heard it all and the best one was a yoga diva who preached to us about why creating a celebrity presence was wrong. I paid $500 to hear that lecture! No, somebody else paid for me to go. By the way, she has a few dozen DVDs on the market, books, and a huge studio with money rolling onto the sidewalk. So, what do you do if you don't have the celebrity status of a diva? Most yoga instructors just want enough to get by, but I ask you to think a little bigger and stop listening to pessimists.

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