YOGA STYLES: Traditional

How Important is Physical Assisting in a Hatha Yoga Class?

Most Yoga teacher training programs focus on teaching interns about physical assists, which guide a student toward proper alignment. Yet, many students attend classes where a Yoga instructor may not look at them for the entire class. Needless to say, there are no physical assists in these same classes. Why?

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Contraindications for Inversions

What is an inverted posture, or an inversion, in a Hatha Yoga class? Technically, any posture (asana), in which the head is below the heart, is an inversion. Whether you stand on your head, bend forward, or bend back, if the head is below the heart, you are performing an inversion.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Contraindications for Standing Asanas

Standing postures seem easy enough for most of us, but can still be quite challenging for your legs, regardless of age or physical condition. Many commonly seen standing poses are Warrior (Virabhadrasana) postures.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – General Guidelines for Contraindications

What exactly is a contraindication for a Yoga technique? A contraindication is a factor which makes a Yoga technique inadvisable. These Yoga techniques are postures (asanas) or Yogic breathing methods (pranayama). The reasons they become inadvisable are related to people with specific health conditions performing techniques, which put them at risk.

Eight Keys to Physically Assisting Hatha Yoga Students

Physically adjusting a student, into the best possible skeletal alignment, is a skill that is passed from teacher to student. With so many questions about assisting and adjusting students for proper alignment - below are eight keys to guide Yoga teachers in the art of assisting.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Could a Physical Assist be a Sexual Assault?

Tell your student what you plan to do, as you ask for permission to make a physical adjustment. It goes without saying that you should keep your hands off private spaces and keep your private spaces off your students. Now you may ask: "How can I make a physical adjustment in Half Moon Pose - (Ardha Chandrasana), without getting real close?"

Teaching Hatha Yoga – What to do with the Competitive Student

Firstly, demonstrate all or part of a new Vinyasa sequence, so your students have a visual interpretation within their minds. You could start your sequencing with slow deliberate movements - with emphasis on form. As the class continues, you could gradually, and safely, increase the speed by requiring less time for your students to hold the postures, but still mention the importance of good form and proper alignment.

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