Yoga Certification FAQs

Yoga Teacher Certification Courses on the Internet

How do you sort out which Yoga courses are reputable? If the certifying body specializes in Yoga, this is a major step. The certifying body should have a qualified Yoga teacher trainer on its staff. If the certifying body writes courses for aircraft mechanics and computer repair; you may want to shop around.

Online Yoga Certification – How Technology is Changing the Face of Teacher Training Courses

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 Traditional Yoga teacher training programs still exist, but traditional programs often last years. Not so long ago, the concept of an intensive face-to-face training, for a month, seemed like a new idea. All you had to do was schedule your time, and you could combine your training, with a vacation, [...]

Yoga Teacher Training Online – The Hidden Catch

online certification courses for Yoga teachers have hardly any hidden costs, in comparison to their on-site counter parts. Onsite program...

How Should the Topic of Pranayama be Covered in a Yoga Teacher Certification Course?

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 When teaching Pranayama (Yogic Breathing Techniques), to a student who is new to Yoga, you realize that beginners take their breathing for granted. It is natural to take breath and life for granted. Breathing happens naturally, or conditionally, without giving it a thought. At the same time, breathing makes life, [...]

How Should the Topic of Asana be Covered in a Yoga Teacher Certification Course?

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 If you are going to teach Hatha Yoga classes, there are many subjects to cover, but asana (posture) is often the starting point of most Yoga teacher training courses. It could be debated that we should follow the Eight Limbed Path, as explained by Maharishi Patanjali, by reviewing the first [...]

What Do Yoga Certification and Yoga Registration Mean?

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 Many students, who aspire to be Yoga teachers, are left confused as to the purpose and difference between certification and registration of Yoga teachers. Let’s take a look at both processes and some of the differences between them. The purpose of the Yoga teacher certification process is to make sure [...]

Is an Online Yoga Teacher Certification Reputable?

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 What are employers looking for in newly hired Yoga instructor? The needs of employers are straight forward: Any facility, which hires a Yoga teacher, is looking for safety, competence, and certification. When considering a Yoga teacher training program, a prospective intern must consider the depth of the course in the [...]

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