Who Would Take an Online Yoga Course

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training: Aura Wellness Center) covers reasons a student would take an online Yoga course, such as: CECs (Continuing Education Credits), convenience of a remote location, and those with responsibilities which do not allow them leave what they are doing for a long period of time.

How to Spot Injury-Prone Students

In this video Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 from Aura Wellness Center covers: Watching a student's posture, balance, how competitive they are, focus, physical condition, and if they are locking their joins. All which are contributors to injury. Paying close attention to these attributes will avoid student injury.

Yoga Teacher Training – Tree Pose (Lecture)

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 speaks to you in this short lecture about the importance of proper alignment, making adjustments to students, and modifications with props in Tree Pose. What should Yoga teachers know about Tree Posture? Tree is one of the most well-known and easily accessible balancing postures of yoga. This simple yoga posture helps [...]

Wrist Injuries and Yoga – Part VI

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 and Marie Jerard, RYT 500 demonstrate modifications for Downward Dog, as well as how to use the chair as a prop. Perfect for those recovering from wrist injuries.

A Mudra for States of Happiness

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training at Aura Wellness Center, guides you through a Mudra for Happiness. Demonstration given by Yong Yang. Yoga Techniques to Enhance States of Happiness  There are myriad yoga techniques to enhance states of happiness. Some of these techniques range from the physical postures to breathing exercises, [...]

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