Five Benefits of Yoga Instructor Courses

The gentle stretching and toning movements of yoga, help the body realize that it is not in a state of danger. We begin to relax, calm down, and unwind. Inflammation begins to dissipate. Muscles that were braced to leap into action begin to relax. Overall, pain is reduced or eliminated. After a week or two of yoga, participants feel an amazing sense of well-being and a dramatic cessation of aches and pains.

Yoga Training and Taming the Ego

In western culture, the egalitarianism, democratic ideals and Socratic dialogue makes the idea of shared privileges the norm. Student selection is not based on merit or attitude but merely the ability to pay the requisite fees to attend a session. This may give students a sense of entitlement since they are paying. If the teacher fails to measure up, then their yoga business may close down.

How Can Yoga Studios Prevent Injuries?

Traditionally, yoga was practiced on a one-on-one basis. Students and teachers worked closely together and developed long-term relationships that were conducive to keeping people safe and healthy. Now that yoga has skyrocketed in popularity and become more mainstream, these one-on-one sessions have given way to classes in which a single teacher is in charge of a large group of students. In some cases, students are crammed together in small rooms, which increases the risk of injury even more.

Yoga Teacher Education as a Spiritual Quest

The most important qualification for a student is proper attitude — specifically a passion for enhancing and deepening the spiritual journey by practicing a healthy lifestyle. This attitude should reflect a deep respect for a tradition that arose centuries ago to refine mind, body, and spirit. Someone who enrolls in a yoga-teaching course should be inspired to aspire for deeper spiritual understanding about the nature of life.

Exploring Yogic Movement and Stillness

Kinetic energy is energy in motion, stillness converted to movement through transference. It's the dropped ball, the released arrow and the fire's heat. Action then returns to a still point when the ball rests on the ground, the bowstring sits slack and the wood cools into charcoal. In stillness, there is potential; in motion, there is transformation of position or form. These energy principles also exist in yoga, representing the physics of nature and reflecting our inner selves.

Five Practical Benefits from Yoga Instructor Courses

Yoga instructor courses are about much more than learning how to teach yoga to others. They allow you to more fully embrace the best aspects of the discipline and arm you with skills that pay off considerably in everyday life too.

Harness Your Ego with Yoga Teacher Courses

One of the best ways to keep your ego from getting in the way is by being in touch with your feelings. As you learn the basics of yoga instruction, pay close attention to how you feel. Regardless of how you feel at any given moment, try to figure out why you feel that way. Pushing feelings away is a surefire way to have them erupt at the most inconvenient time.

Teaching Yoga, Relationships, and Boundaries

Yet, the casual atmosphere of the yoga studio can blur the boundary lines between the teacher and his or her students. Remember that in any student/teacher relationship, there is an imbalance of power, but there can be a balance of compassion. This is something that teachers should be aware of in any setting.

How to Spot Injury Prone Yoga Students

As more and more beginners are delving into yoga, it may be time to adjust the routine. Many teachers begin the class with a vigorous sun salutation/downward dog routine. A new idea could be to start the class with gentle beginner stretches to give yourself the opportunity and the extra time to evaluate your class. Go slow and look for the following red flags.

Finding the Courage to Truly Practice Shavasana

As a dedicated Yogi or Yogini, you may even feel anxious about not being able to get into a posture that you have previously been able to practice during Yoga class. Because many of us are accustomed to racing from one task to another during our daily lives, being able to release all of the internal and external "doing" during Shavasana is even more important. A deep sense of peace, calm and replenishment comes from truly releasing all thought and physical striving during Corpse Pose.

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