
Yoga – A Philosophy Of Body And Mind

This is truly an art form of exercise that is much more than a fad. In whatever manner current yoga students, teachers etc. happened to stumble upon the wonderful philosophy of yoga - the philosophy of combining the sciences of a type of exercise which connects the physical as well as the mental components of the individual - their collective praise of it is virtually always consistent. This is a type of exercise that can truly improve your life overall! If you are trying to decide what sort of exercise will be best for you, consider yoga - and you may never turn back.

Signs of a Good Yoga Teacher

By Laurie Desjardins Yoga is an excellent way to combine exercise and meditation, as you're learning to limber up both your body and mind. It also can be beneficial to join a class, so that you can have help with learning the more challenging poses. However, just like anything else, there are just as many [...]

Do Yoga Teachers Struggle for Success?

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 Could there really be a Yoga teacher who is struggling to find success in life? If every Yoga teacher training program taught the spiritual aspect of abundance, and the Law of Karma correctly, this should not ever happen. The abundance theory allows Yoga teachers, and anyone else who is interested, [...]

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