yogic practice

The Yogi’s Journey

I have experienced in the 11 years that yoga has been a part of my life Yoga as Unity and also a pathway to Unity Consciousness. It has been a personal journey, one of many discoveries and profound insights; the mat has brought me to Spirit. In a world filled with negativity, stress, environmental toxins, and other energy sapping temptations, Yoga brings a lifestyle and practice that reconnects mind, body and Spirit.

Four Easy Steps for the Yogic Practice of Decision Making

Many Yoga practitioners understand, that the foundational guidelines of decision making, rest in the Yamas and Niyamas. If you follow the first two limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga, you cannot go wrong. Yet, sometimes, we still make wrong turns in life. How can people make more rational decisions with a simple referencing system? Below are four practical applications that will aid you in making an important decision.

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