Decompress the Spine with Yoga

Compression within the backbone is often characterized by too much strain on the intervertebral disks. Engaging oneself in physical activities will help office workers to reduce pain, and possibly overcome this condition, by allowing intervertebral fluid to circulate properly and decompress the spine. In turn, safe physical activity will effectively manage to improve posture and restore decompression of the spine.

Yoga and GERD

Medical practitioners commonly treat GERD by prescribing proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), for example, omeprazole, pantoprazole, and rabeprazole to name a few. According to Dr. Carrie Demers, MD and holistic physician who blends modern medicine with traditional approaches to health, the problem with PPIs, however, is that if you consume them on a long term basis, they can be a cause of various other health disorders, for example anemia and osteoporosis.

Yoga for Cancer Recovery: Releasing Tension

Although many of us may feel that we are only truly practicing Yoga if we flow through a series of very strenuous Ashtanga Yoga postures and fiery breathing exercises, the practice of Yoga traditionally was focused on creating ease and spaciousness in the body and quietude in the mind, so that a Yogi or Yogini was more easily able to sit in meditation for an extended period of time.

Yoga and Ayurveda for IBS and IBD

In both cases of IBS and IBD, the mind and body are connected, but, which symptom started first? Did the mind affect the body or did the body affect the mind? Either way, we know they are intertwined and we have to heal the ‘whole’ person in order to improve the condition any ailment. Despite all of the information out there, it is still difficult to find a known cure for IBS or IBD that helps to heal the ‘whole’ individual. Medications and surgery are often prescribed to physically help with the symptoms, but, there is a lack of knowledge out there to help people naturally heal through Yoga, Ayurveda, meditation, pranayama and eating whole foods.

About Teaching Yoga as a Form of Healing

The benefits of the meditative state of yoga are well documented. Meditation gives our bodies time to slow down and heal. Healing is a result of self-awareness of what the body needs. When we are practicing Hatha yoga we are focused on our body. We can feel the tensions and stresses in our own muscles and we can focus on healing in a particular area.

Therapeutic Yoga Asanas for Insomnia?

All inverted yoga poses are practices that help you sleep better. This can especially alleviate insomnia caused by hormonal changes. One inversion to try is Halasana or the Plow Pose. In this posture, you do not have to be perfect as long as you are achieving the proper posture. It is important to coordinate your breathing with your movements.

Teaching Yoga to Students Recovering from Surgery or Living with Chronic Illness: Reclining Healing Meditation

This meditation is wonderful to do lying down, ensconced in blankets and supported by a Yoga bolster under the knees. Before beginning the Reclining Healing Meditation, it is recommended that you ask your students if they need a bolster or an extra blanket.

Yoga Exercises for Recovery from Chemotherapy

The use of restorative yoga methods, in conjunction with traditional cancer treatments, is a great way to incorporate holistic methods which focus on the mind body connection, in order to improve a patient's mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

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