yoga classes

Yoga is a Holistic System

A yoga practice consists of physical postures, pranayama, and meditation. Certain postures should be practiced every day, particularly the ones that affect the spine, systems and glands of the body. These fundamental poses are maintenance exercises that keep the spine and joints supple, the ductless glands secreting their chemicals properly, and the body calm, yet, energized.

Teaching Yoga and Using Notes

Dr. Paul Jerard E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training at Aura Wellness Center) Speaks to you in this short lecture about the disadvantages of using notes while teaching your Yoga class.

Teaching Yoga Benefits to Children

Yoga emphasizes our connection to the natural world, with many poses that mimic animals. These Yoga poses are wonderful vehicles for sharing information about our connection to the environment. This gives children information, which will be useful for life. Children’s Yoga classes embrace the creativity of playing “make believe.”

Teaching Yoga to Students with Ailments Questions and Answers

Hatha Yoga can be the remedy for pain, or the cause of it, in some cases. This student should see her family physician or a specialist. We can guess what the source of pain is, but an MRI will tell the real story. A good modification is preparation for Sukasana.

Yoga Teacher Liability Insurance

After an intern has successfully completed a Yoga teacher training course, he or she is looking for teaching positions and considering many side issues. One of the main issues is liability insurance. Below is a question and answer session regarding Yoga teachers and liability insurance.

Teaching Yoga Students about the Importance of Sleep

What is the value of Yoga Nidra (sleep of the Yogis)? Deep relaxation techniques, taught in Yoga classes, can become life savers outside the class. Although we should not take sleep period short cuts, Yoga Nidra is effective for bringing the mind and body to a state of rest, while the mind maintains awareness.

Teaching Yoga – The Realization of Job Security

The creative Yoga teacher, who is willing to look outside the box, and network with the community, does not, and will not, have problems finding teaching positions. If you think all of the teaching opportunities, in your area, are within the four walls of a Yoga studio, you are familiar with - you may be in for a struggle.

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