yoga teachers

Two Tips for Teaching Yoga through Challenges

When you think about teaching Yoga classes, you always see the positive side of your life experiences. Every Yoga instructor realizes that the act of organizing, and teaching classes, becomes a life mission. Yet, life has “ups and downs” for all of us. There are days when students are seriously ill, you feel ill, or worse.

How to Learn More about Yoga for Less

When you think about attending a Yoga teacher intensive, what thoughts come to your mind? Do you think about the rewards of learning more about Yoga, and spending time with people who share your passion for a holistic lifestyle? What holds you back from attending a Yoga conference, which will benefit you? Nine times out of ten, Yoga teachers and serious practitioners are concerned with cost, obligations, or both, when considering attending an intensive or a conference.

Why Should a Yoga Teacher Specialize?

Are you teaching classes, but not sure which direction to go in for your next yoga teacher certification? In this video lecture, with Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 (director of yoga teacher training at Aura Wellness Center), you will learn why some yoga teachers decide to teach specific styles or types of students. For example: A Hatha Yoga instructor may decide to become a prenatal yoga teacher, yoga therapist, or a power yoga instructor to work with students who have a common need or passion. There are many reasons why a certified yoga teacher may pursue becoming a specialist and many options are explained in this lecture.

Teaching Yoga and Building Self-Confidence

Teaching or practicing Yoga enhances many positive life skills. Self-confidence is not an accident. With the best possible teacher, Guru, or Swami, a student will grow and prosper. Within the heart and mind of each student, a noble teacher wants to instill a set of circumstances that accomplishes the intended purpose of self-awareness within the student.

Teaching Yoga – The Realization of Job Security

The creative Yoga teacher, who is willing to look outside the box, and network with the community, does not, and will not, have problems finding teaching positions. If you think all of the teaching opportunities, in your area, are within the four walls of a Yoga studio, you are familiar with - you may be in for a struggle.

Online Yoga Certification – How Technology is Changing the Face of Teacher Training Courses

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 Traditional Yoga teacher training programs still exist, but traditional programs often last years. Not so long ago, the concept of an intensive face-to-face training, for a month, seemed like a new idea. All you had to do was schedule your time, and you could combine your training, with a vacation, [...]

Where do I Find the Confidence to Teach Yoga Classes?

Experience is a matter of learning from mistakes. You can improve dramatically by networking with other Yoga teachers in your area and...

Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Vocal Problem Student

The completely silent student does benefit from silence, and newfound awareness, during Yoga practice. Yet, questions allow more than...

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