Online Yoga Certification – How Technology is Changing the Face of Teacher Training Courses

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 Traditional Yoga teacher training programs still exist, but traditional programs often last years. Not so long ago, the concept of an intensive face-to-face training, for a month, seemed like a new idea. All you had to do was schedule your time, and you could combine your training, with a vacation, [...]

Can I Become a Certified Yoga Teacher – if I was a Competitive Ice Skater?

Yes, being a Yoga teacher and a coach of ice skating would be a nice compliment toward the benefit of the young skaters you train, and...

Yoga Teacher Training Online – The Hidden Catch

online certification courses for Yoga teachers have hardly any hidden costs, in comparison to their on-site counter parts. Onsite program...

Where do I Find the Confidence to Teach Yoga Classes?

Experience is a matter of learning from mistakes. You can improve dramatically by networking with other Yoga teachers in your area and...

Yoga Instructor Training – Learning Tools

Can Yoga teachers learn from books? This question may seem silly, but some traditionalists would have you believe that you can only learn...

Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Vocal Problem Student

The completely silent student does benefit from silence, and newfound awareness, during Yoga practice. Yet, questions allow more than...

Yoga Teacher Exam Stress

Yoga teachers often help their students with stress management techniques. Can you imagine a Yoga teacher intern stressed out over his or...

The Value of the Yoga Teacher Certification Process

Is there a need for certification and standardization of Yoga teachers? How can you make the nine main Indian forms of Yoga, and their...

Teaching Yoga as a Profession – Consultants and Mentors

Yoga became something that teachers could devote their whole day to. As a result, some part-time Yoga teachers became full-time teachers.

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