hatha yoga article archive

The Yogic Approach to Anger Management for Children

How can Yoga help children find their way through this confusing path we call: “life?” What if my child is not attracted to Yoga? How can my child learn to communicate his or her feelings to me, even in the worst of times? Let’s discuss Yoga, as an approach to anger management, for children and teens.

Yoga and the Awakening of Consciousness

Unfortunately, there is still too much mystery regarding the higher forms of Yoga (Raja, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana). All four of these forms of Yoga will help us awaken our consciousness. However, we can take a fresh view of the concept. Awakening was classically referred to as “unfolding.”

Yoga Styles – Trying to Sort Through the Confusion

Sivananda, Bikram, Iyengar, Kripalu, Restorative, Viniyoga, and Yoga therapy are branches of the Hatha Yoga tree. Even Vinyasa can be a combination of Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is one of the physical branches of Raja. Raja is the mother of modern day Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa.

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